
Jin Lu looked in the mirror as she put on her make-up. Her face looked sunken because she had lost a lot of weight since her sister disappeared.

She had no choice but to apply a thick layer of foundation to cover up her fatigue.

Fortunately, her make-up skills were good, and she managed to cover up the flaws on her face in no time.

The face in the mirror was still beautiful and alluring. Her every frown and smile could touch the hearts of her audience.

Young idols like her were the best playthings for the rich and powerful.

When singing and dancing in front of the camera, these idols brought visual and spiritual enjoyment to everyone. For the rich and powerful, owning or destroying these beautiful objects brought them indescribable pleasure.

These girls were the best comfort for the rich and powerful who lived stressful lives, threading carefully in their upper-class society every day where any misstep would plunge them into the abyss.