Power Outage

Qiao Yue felt like a hand was wrapped around her throat.

Her chest felt tight, and her breath came in labored gasps.

Andy seemed to stare straight through the monitor, fixing her with his pointed gaze and devilish smile.

It was the look of a predator stalking its prey, enjoying the latter's struggles in futility.

Logic dictated that Andy was directing his gaze at Jin Lu, but in Qiao Yue's eyes, it could not be further from the truth. Andy was staring at her.

Qiao Yue had only ever felt this suffocated in the face of the Godfather.

Qiao Yue's heart clenched, and a terrifying thought emerged.

Could Andy be the Godfather?

She tried to recall what the Godfather looked like, but nothing in her memories indicated any resemblance to Andy.

Then again, with the Godfather's abilities, it would not be surprising if he could disguise himself or appear to look like someone else.