Long Time No See

Andy's words were like the chanting of a demon.

Qiao Yue, who was watching the live surveillance footage, quivered.

This man was a demon. He actually described such a thing as beautiful.

Jin Lu trembled and almost spilled her wine.

"It's fine if you don't want to drink it. We can get straight to business."

Andy scooped up Jin Lu and carried her into the bedroom.

Qiao Yue clenched her fists. This b*stard!

Jin Lu shook even harder. Although she knew that she might face such a situation, she did not expect it to be so soon and with Andy.

"You can't do this. I'm here for an audition only. You can't insult my dignity." Jin Lu said in a trembling voice.

"Is that so?"

Andy placed Jin Lu on the bed and pressed against her as he whispered, "I'm not asking you, I'm asking her."

Jin Lu's eyes widened.

Qiao Yue, who was sitting in front of the surveillance monitor, also widened her eyes and had already drawn her gun.