Life-saving Grace

Before anyone could react, Qiao Yue quickly raised her gun, loaded it, and fired.

The two bullets collided with a loud bang in the air, and a wall nearby exploded.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Qiao Yue's marksmanship was remarkable. This was the first time they had seen someone use a bullet to block another bullet.

"Excellent marksmanship."

Colonel Su wiped the sweat off his forehead. Although he was still quite energetic, he was almost shot just now.

After this saving shot, most people in the team trusted Qiao Yue that much more.

If she was one of Andy's people, she could have let Colonel Su get injured just now.

"The Custodians will thank you," Colonel Su said.

"It's alright. We have the same goal. Let's capture Andy."

Everyone carefully followed Colonel Su and moved up. After witnessing Qiao Yue's skills, they let her be in the rear.

The team walked up to the tenth floor.