Payback Time

Qiao Yue was crazy when it came to driving, even crazier than the top racers the Li brothers had met.

The two of them rushed down the mountain at their fastest speeds.

When they saw Qiao Yue's car parked by the roadside, they didn't stop to provoke him. Instead, they sped up as if they were avoiding the plague. However, Qiao Yue wasn't going to let them off so easily.

Qiao Yue accelerated after the two of them.

"Li Rong, why is Qiao Yue following us again? Didn't he just park his car? How come he's chasing us again?"

When Qiao Xin saw Qiao Yue's off-road vehicle in the rearview mirror, she looked like she had seen a ghost.

"How would I know! The road down the mountain is so narrow, and he's driving so fast. Is he trying to run us off the mountain?" Li Rong was also on the verge of a mental breakdown.