Who Do You Think You Are?

When she got home, Qiao Yue saw Qiao Xin's family and Tao Xi sitting around the coffee table, glaring at her.

"Fifth young master is back?" Qiao Li spoke first.

Qiao Yue ignored them and went around the living room to go upstairs.

"Stop! You can't even hear your elders talking to you?" Qiao Li stood up, walked up to Qiao Yue and stopped her. 

Qiao Li was a little taller than Qiao Yue, but because he hadn't worked out for years, he was as fat as a pig.

"Please get out of the way," Qiao Yue said coldly.

"You b*stard, I was too good tempered to teach you a lesson before. Who said that you can bully Qiao Xin?" Qiao Li held out his hand, ready to slap Qiao Yue in the face. 

Qiao Yue grabbed his hand.

Qiao Li hissed. Qiao Yue was so strong that Qiao Li felt like his arm was being crushed. 

Qiao Li tried to free his arm from Qiao Yue's grasp, but he failed.

"How can you treat your elders like this?" Qiao Li raised his voice.