A Long-distance Gift

Meanwhile, Qiao Yue was already back in her room. 

She didn't sympathize with the people who were punished today. They had all done something bad and they deserve to suffer the consequences. 

When she turned on her computer, she saw that Qiao Jing had already sent her information about housekeeping and financial situation of the family over the past few months.

Qiao Yue skimmed through the information. Although the Qiao household was large, the financial management of it was simple. Tao Xi didn't strictly control their expenses.

The consequence of this was that a lot of expenses seemed to be inflated, and there were likely kickbacks.

Just from the past six months' bills, nearly 100,000 yuan had gone missing. If this had been going on for a while, it wouldn't be difficult to squander away the family fortunes over time. 

The money that Qiao Yi and Qiao Li invested in Mahad probably came from these household expenses.