Your Secret

Qiao Yue's lap time was faster than Qiao Yu's, but they reached the finish line at almost the same time.

"Here, drink some water."

A bottle of mineral water was thrown into Qiao Yue's hand.

Qiao Yu sat down beside Qiao Yue and opened his bottle of water. 

The cold water flowed down his throat, and Qiao Yu felt a long-lost sense of pleasure.

Qiao Yue reached out and grabbed Qiao Yu's bottle. "You're still recuperating. You shouldn't drink such cold water." 

Qiao Yu ignored Qiao Yue's dissuasion. He took back the bottle and drank all the water in one gulp. "I know my own body." 

Qiao Yue didn't argue with him. The two of them just sat quietly at the racetrack.

Qiao Yu had many questions for Qiao Yue but when he was sitting next to her, he didn't know where to begin. He hoped that Qiao Yue would tell him everything, instead of him questioning her. 

"Thank you for saving me at the KTV."