A Threat

"What are you arguing about in the middle of the night?" The third madam walked over from the next room.

Qiao Li and his wife, Qiao Xin and Qiao Ying lived on the same floor, so the third madam could hear everything that happened here.

"My precious, what's the fuss about so late at night?" The third madam walked up to Qiao Xin and stroked her head.

Qiao Ying stood by the wall, hands covering her injured ribs, but the third madam didn't even look at her.

Qiao Ying felt heartbroken. 

"I don't know who it is, but they instigated my dropout. I don't know who sent this anonymous email." 

Qiao Xin handed her phone to the third madam.

Reading comments about Qiao Xin's dropout, the third madam's expression gradually turned ugly.

"It must be Qiao Yue." The third madam handed the phone back to Qiao Xin. "But I also find it strange. How did Qiao Yue know that you bullied Hong Ning?"