Mass Slaughter

Sun Bin panicked and almost fell off his chair.

"What do you mean by that? You cheated and now you want me to retake the exam with you?" Sun Bin replied fiercely. "I haven't been accused of cheating. Why should I take the exam with you?"

Qiao Yue replied unhurriedly, "How about I accuse you of cheating now?"

Sun Bin's face was twisted. "Then tell me how I've cheated."

Qiao Yue laughed. "I don't have any proof. I just wanted to find someone to take the exam with me."

Everyone was confused by Qiao Yue's provocative attitude but Qiao Yue was a frivolous person to most of them, and this attitude was in line with his image.

"Since that's the case, how about I also take the exam with my fifth brother? Sun Bin, do you have any objections?" Qiao Yu stood up as he said gently. 

When Sun Bin turned to look at Qiao Yu, he was so frightened by Qiao Yu's gaze that he shuddered.