
"I can't answer your question."

Qiao Jing only wanted to escape from this place as he looked into Qiao Yue's clear eyes.

"You knew about this long ago, right?" Qiao Yue looked at Qiao Jing.

Qiao Jing nodded solemnly.

He had already found out about Qiao Yue's background after she was injured the first time.

However, he only found out that Qiao Yue was a descendant of the Yin family. He didn't find out about his mother's involvement in Qiao Yue's mother's death.

"So, are you still going to take my side?" Qiao Yue looked at Qiao Jing.

The air became still. Qiao Jing didn't know how to answer her question. He liked her so much that no matter what happened between her parents and the Qiao family, he would always be her second brother.

"I can't choose but I won't harm you." Qiao Jing finally said in pain.