Demanding an Autopsy

Qiao Jing didn't say anything. Instead, Qiao Yu spoke first, "Fifth sister, we have not seen each other for a few months, and you have changed a lot."

Qiao Yu didn't seem surprised that Qiao Yue was a girl, and only greeted her with a smile.

Qiao Yue suddenly felt that the Qiao Yu had become a stranger again. When they first met, Qiao Yu was like this, cold but polite.

"It's been a long time, fourth brother." Qiao Yue looked at Qiao Jing.

Qiao Jing's face was cold as he looked at the ruckus in the courtyard. "Someone, bring the third madam back to rest. Thank you everyone for coming here for my seventh sister's wake. Please go home."

Seeing that Qiao Jing had no intention of entertaining any guests, the crowd was ready to leave the Qiao residence.

"Hold on." Yin He said with a smile. "Since Qiao Yue is suspicious of Miss Qiao's death, don't you want to clarify, Qiao Jing?"