Cruise Ship

What Andy told Qiao Yue next about Qiao Qing being killed by Austin was the same as what she had heard at the Yin residence.

Qiao Yue took a deep breath and looked at Andy, "So, what are you planning to do?"

"My father was murdered by Austin. After killing my father, Austin even made me and Oswald his subordinates and trained us." 

It seemed to be Austin's usual practice to recruit the children of his enemies and then train them to be his loyal followers.

"So, it's all the same." Qiao Yue sneered.

"It's not the same. The Godfather's feelings for you aren't just like how he felt for me and Oswald. He's transferred his love for your mother to you."

Qiao Yue shuddered. 

Austin was a real pervert.

He couldn't have her mother, so he took the daughter and raised her as a loyal follower, with the hope that she would become his lover one day.

"It's disgusting, isn't it, Qiao Yue? That's why we must get rid of him together."