Fahira herself regulates his breathing slowly. She himself did not believe that he was saying all that. I don't know where he got that courage.

Arya smiled, she chuckled. Then take a deep breath for a moment.

"Fahira, our family, does not look at everything from educational background, to social status. For me personally. I want my kids to get the best match. I used to agree with Danu's proposal to Anna because I saw Danu was a responsible man. Also hardworking. Therefore, I approve of them getting married. And the evidence, see for yourself. Danu managed to build a restaurant of this size. It's not an instant process, Fahira. It took me about seven years to be like now. And that's because of hard work."Arya glanced at Danu and Anna who seemed relaxed to hear his words.

"And, now this. I can bless you because I know my son well. Since then, Yoga has never brought any woman home. I never even talked about women. And, when he first told me about Fahira, I knew that he had found his soul mate. He's convinced. Just as I once believed in his late mother. And, Yoga is also difficult to tell about Nak Fahira, without exception. We can understand, that Fahira could not continue his education first not because of desire. Now you can go back to college. We support him. Go ahead, Son."

"Fahira is not the type of person who cares about what people say. God, when we're two hands, it won't be enough to shut up people out there talking about us. But, we can use both of our hands to make ear caps. So that we do not need to hear things that make us hurt," said Anna in response.

"That's right what you said, Fahira. Instead, when we gossip, we have gossiped. We have to prove that we are capable. You are young Fahira. It's never too late to go back to college, to start something that was once your dream."

Fahira could not believe what he heard. Tears were already dripping on both neutrals. Fahira was moved by the attitude of the Yoga family toward her.

"I told him, Mom, Dad. But it is basic, Fahira is not confident."Yoga chimed in with her father and brother.

Anna slowly got up from her seat and walked over to Fahira, and sat down beside her.

"Fahira, don't be afraid or worried. You have to be confident. If we just know you can trust you, why can't you trust yourself? You must be capable of Fahira. You're not alone now. Besides your son, you have us like your family, even if you are not officially married."

Fahira looked at Anna, she found shade in Anna's eyes in addition to a smile that was so sincere.

Fahira grabbed Anna's hand and kissed her slowly. "Thank you very much, Ma'am. I was so excited about everything you said earlier."

"Don't hesitate anymore, Fahira. Also don't feel inferior or insecure anymore."This time Danu opened the voice.

"Thank you very much, Mas Danu. Thank you very much, Dad, " said Fahira.

Anna took Fahira in her arms. "Thank you for accepting my sister's proposal. Please take care of the spoiled child yes, Fahira, " said Anna. Yoga only chuckles amused at her brother's words.