
"Isn't Xue Zhuzi turning sixteen tomorrow? Xue Dagui told Grandpa that it was so, so how could Grandpa not let him come back? In fact, Grandpa was in the right to agree. No matter what, Xue Zhuzi is still Xue Dagui's son, it's not good for him to stay in another person's house." It was Xue Sifu's voice that rang out. "Alright, don't be angry. Didn't we already agree to keep an eye on him when he comes back? Xue Yan will be fine."

"But I'm still mad about it!" It was Xue Wufu's voice again. "Why would you bring that kind of person back? What's even more infuriating is that he is trying to coax him back! It's better if he doesn't come back, why must he coax him? He made it seem as if he had done nothing wrong! Don't you think that's wrong ?"