Braincells Unite!

Ordinary people would not be able to get their hands on saltpeter. It could be said that people without special connections would be unable to get it.

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan looked at each other.

"That's good. Xue Yan, you can stay at home tomorrow and let the others install the grain and the stone mill." Xue Sifu said. "If the saltpeter really arrives the day after tomorrow, you'll be busy making ice. You won't have the time to care about the workshop."


The next day, in just two hours, the roof of the workshop was complete. Then, half of Li Qingshu's men started building the walls of the workshop, while the other half, Xue Dafu, Xue Erfu, and Xue Sanfu started assembling the rotating wheels and other wooden objects that Xue Yifu had made under Xue Yan's command. They connected them together, and finally, they connected the grains and stone mills.