Two Shots

Shao Zhongxi's men were too stunned to speak.

Turns out, it was not because of their comrade that they got the advantage of killing the masked man. For some reason, it was a little kid that managed to get the masked man's attention… 

This kid was too young to be here. They didn't even notice her at all…

Jiang Yue didn't care about their reactions. She was only satisfied when this roof was taken care of. When she looked at the other side of the roof, Shao Zhongxi's men were struggling to hold back the men in black on the other roof.

The moment the masked man had the chance to use the bow on his back, he immediately equipped an arrow and aimed at Empress Dowager Yunzi.

The arrow flew out straight at Empress Dowager Yunzi.

It was about to hit her!