
Once they reached the stage, Xue Wufu and the others followed the tune, stepping on the spot and waving the flag. The performance was also extremely exciting. Only the quadruplets were struggling and could not keep up. They paddled naughtily behind, their faces full of joy. They thought it was fun, making the people below the stage and outside the rope laugh.

They all laughed.

It was all for fun, and no one expected Xue Wufu and the others to be very professional.

There were even many people clapping and cheering, "Good! Alright!"

Xue Wufu and the others saw that everyone was so happy, and they were happy too. As such, they waved the flags more energetically, not caring if they were getting more and more devilish.

"Ahem." Xue Yan's fist pressed against his lips, giving a dry cough, holding back his laughter.

Then, he quickly lowered his head to look at Jiang Yue. Jiang Yue's face was still calm. He didn't know how Jiang Yue was holding it in.