Blushed Red!

Xue Sanfu could hold his liquor, but he couldn't stand the crowd. Fortunately, Xue Yifu, Xue Erfu, and Xue Sifu were there to help. He had to drink many cups. Whoever dared to drink with Xue Erfu would be the first to pour him a cup.

In Jiang Yue's opinion, Erfu should be immune to alcohol.

Thanks to his brother's help, Xue Sanfu returned to his room not long after.

In the room, Pei Fufu was still dressed in her wedding gown and had a veil over her head. She sat on the edge of the bed, and her two fingers immediately twisted together nervously when she heard the sound of the door opening.

He lowered his head even further.

Pei Fufu had two dowry maidservants. One was called Fei Ju and the other was called Fei Zhu. They stood beside Pei Fufu and accompanied her. When they saw that Xue Sanfu had returned, they quickly came forward to greet him and wanted to remove her veil.