
Duke Shao sighed again. "Zhongxi was twenty years old when he was conferred the title of king. He had already proposed to Qi Yin in private. Did he say when he did it?"

The High Duke's wife smiled and said, "I've secretly asked around. It seems that on the day Zhongxi turned nineteen, the two of them bowed to the moon in front of the river beside the barracks. All these years, Zhongxi deliberately wore red and even made Qi Yin wear red. Everyone already knew that they were a couple in private. That's good too. We just have to hold a proper wedding later. There's no need for formal matters."

"The wedding must be held." Duke Shao said.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yue and the others in the room did not have any expressions. Only Madam You was extremely unhappy even though she tried her best to control her expression.