A Dead Body?

The time when Ezraa fainted, the freaked Enisa didn't know what to do to wake him up after spraining some droplets of water on his face. She poured more water on his face, wetting the couch he was lying on but like she did nothing. Looking more at Ezraa's face that was seemingly burning only freaked her more. "Oh! daddy wake up please hohoho if anything happens to my dad stranger Theo, I'm not forgiving you." She said while looking at Theogo with her nose puffed up.

She ran upstairs to downstairs three times searching for her missing phone so as to call her mother and to inform her on her father's current condition: To tell her on what to do since her father is a Wizard and, she, her mom is a witch. Definitely, his instant condition can only be treated differently than in a human way. She dialed her mom's number, when she found her phone, nine times but her mom wasn't picking up the call. "Mommyyyy stop this childishness please and pick up the phone call."

She threw the phone on a couch when a bell rang in her head, "Yes that's the only solution!" she said and then left the house in a hurry; tripping and hitting some objects like a table and the rest before finally exiting the house and closing the door. When she exited the house,she fell down one more time before straightening herself and continued moving hurriedly with her legs moving fast like an ant.

She reached a nearby neighbor of theirs that was a medical doctor and knocked on his house's door severally. She remembered how the grumpy doctor was once angered at her because of how she Knocked at his door indecently a long time ago, so she stopped herself from knocking more and sat on the door steps waiting for him. Time passed by slowly and no one came out of the house. The innocent girl slowly and slowly was fast falling asleep at the door steps waiting for the doctor to show up who still didn't. Unknown to her, he was on night duty at his clinic that day.


Void turned his head away from the TV when he heard someone chuckling at his room's door. Theogo ran away from ajared door in a blink of an eye— in a supernatural style— like he wasn't there in the first place, first to downstairs and then completely out of the house.

Void kept the gaming control panel aside and moved out of his room, "Enisa." he called out. Enisa has told him about their dad being sick and about her leaving their house for the doctor's house in request for urgent help. Without his mom or Ralph, then who could it be sneaking into the house in this late hour of the night? Thief? When he got downstairs, he went to the kitchen and armed himself with a frying pan as he inspected the lower floor.


Phoebe just arrived in her Red car at the house address that the gentleman gave her earlier. She got out of it and the car drove itself to find a proper parking space. If anyone was to try something unacceptable to the car, then that person will be in for a surprise of a programmed fatal defence.. Luckily, no one will do so.

She walked sluggishly with heavy bags under her eyes, passed the gate that was strangely left unlocked and went straight to the main entrance door. She was about to knock on the door when someone opened it widely.

Void opened the door and was mid air about to attack Phoebe with his weapon frying pan. He didn't stop the attack because he wanted to do so but because the person standing at the door was fast in holding his hands. "Easy there, I mean no harm." Calmly said Phoebe. She wasn't in the mood, if not she would have called him "cute" instead of "there".

"Agent B5" Void muttered "You look more beautiful in real life." He continued to mutter, not knowing what he was saying. "Thanks but is your mom or dad or anyone elderly inside please?" Phoebe asked him. She was surprised to see a boy of his age not asleep by this hour, wasn't he supposed to be in bed at this time?

"Oh yeah please come in. I was inspecting the house for the sake of security when you just came." he said, gesturing for her to enter, "ladies always first." he added while bending his body in a ninety degree, making his brown hair that reached to his shoulders to fall downward. Phoebe, again, would have laughed at his act but her mood was very sour. She entered the house, got a thrown off table back to a standing position before heading for the living room.

She heard Void saying "You know... being a man is not easy, so I have to make sure that the house is safe and always safe." and she turned her head around to have a proper look at him that was greening widely before she continued walking inside. She gulped hard. She was about to see Theago's corpse; to verify that he was really dead.

When entering the living room, she could see from the corner of her eyes that a body was flatly lying on a coach by her right. Her heart has skipped several beats already and was now beating like it could break out of its rib cage. When turning her head, she was relieved to find someone and not Theo lying there motionless.

"Sorry Agent B5, I forgot to tell you that my dad is sick for the time being." Void apologized as he pointed at his father.

"What happened to him?"

"Actually, I don't know but I heard Enisa saying something like he was... burning fever or something?" he laughed nervously, "she went to find a doctor by the way, so nothing you have to worry about."

"And your mom?"

"Umm well, my mom has travelled, she isn't at home right now." He found a place and sat down. "But why are you here Agent B5?"

"I'm Phoebe, you don't have to be calling me agent B5 at least and someone called me from this house earlier that he found a dead body that I can relate to."

"The name is void by the way....In this house? A dead body? hahaha no no no no we don't have a dead body here but only a sick somebody and that's my father." Replied the clueless Void that didn't know anything happening in the house some hours back. If his TV game is safe, then nothing bothers him. The world can deteriorate and he wouldn't care. Just don't touch his TV game, that's the important rule!

He stood up to go get some energy soda drinks from the fridge,"You want one for yourself?" he asked her while sipping one as he returned with two of them in his hands. "No thanks. The whole thing is confusing me. I'm sure of it, this is the house..." Phoebe said while massaging her temples. "Agent...I mean Phoebe, we have no dead body here, again. Maybe your address is wrong or something else." Void said as he sipped his soda drink.

Phoebe was actually lucky that he was even attending to her because Void could have simply ignored her if not for her popularity. And her beauty of course.

She tried calling Theago's phone but it was not reachable. His phone ran out of battery. Strangely enough, this is the house address given to her but the young guy has told her that there wasn't a dead body brought in here. She could swear to have smelled Theago's sandalwood perfume lingering in the air when she entered the house but she dismissed that detail. Sandalwood is not meant for him only.

"I guess you are right. If so, then I got to go. It's getting late." She stood up and shook hands with Void. "But before going, can I check the house for further confirmation please?"

"Ok Phoebe go ahead, we have nothing to hide." He took her round the house but there was nothing out of place. "Have a good night, cute boy." She said when leaving the house. Void offered her his hand for a shake again, she gave him a meaningful smile and shook him back. 'Cute? Maybe she likes me!' He thought happily.

"Goodnight Agent B5, I mean beautiful Phoebe." He waved at her and she waved back at him and still, he didn't return back inside. He stood there watching her leave. She whistled and then her red Benz came to where she was.

Void also whistled, "She's awesome." he said with his hands in his pockets admiring every detail about her.

However, someone, particularly Theogo, was on a neighbor's roof  looking at the love of his life driving away in her car. "I love you and will always do." He said as he looked at her entering her beast car.

[N]: Phoebe had the right to go round Void's home because she's an agent of Rawth. Even if he said no,he couldn't stop her.