The First Part of the Plan.

Ezraa and the others in the control center have managed to come up with a plan on how to deal with the two mad demons with less to no casualties. All thanks be to Zack who was the brain behind the plan. Owen and Jack were told by Lorenz to come back to the control room and the heart-broken Owen couldn't stop the tears his eyes were making as he contributed in forming a strategy to carry out the plan.

They all could tell from the CCTV video they watched that Hok died in the hands of the new appearing mad demon. That was completely out of the blue. None of them predicted Hok's death to be this closer but nothing they could change; his time has end.

Lorenz got their attention for himself as he can see, on a computer screen, a fight was going on between the queen of mermaids and Theogo the mad demon out there in the sea."Ammm guys, the queen is facing the mad demon together with her knight. Shall we really carry on with our initial plan?" All the while as he spoke, his eyes were on Ezraa; expecting an answer from him than from anyone else.

Ezraa retorted to Lorenz "No, that wouldn't make us change anything from the plan, so let her be and focus as I say out the plan again. Zack, you outrightly confront the mad demon and counter attack him by slowing the time as well as he does since you have the same type of power. I don't know what will happen if you do so but, I'm glad to have you here with us. The moment of his shock will be our critical chance because he wil definitely lose focus on slowing the time."

Ezraa was happy when Zack told him how he has a little control on the time. At first, no one believed him till he made Jack the vampire fall on his buttocks for the second time. Action spoke louder than voice and again, Zack has proven important in carrying out his suggestion.

Ezraa continued "Owen, Jack and Lorenz, use all you got in attacking him as he becomes shocked and after that, I will get a hold of him and teleport us closer to the other crazy demon and then I will come back in here after I'm done with my part, hope we are all cleared?" They all nodded and stood up to carry out the plan except for Mia and Rose who happened to not be needed in that aspect.

Zack asked them all meanwhile they walked out "Don't you think there should be a plan B?" Who's question was replied by Hugo that said "We are thankful enough for this plan you brought up young genius, now is a do or die situation."

In all honesty, Hugo was deeply down satisfied with Hok's unforeseen death which can be safely assumed of him been unreasonable to be in such a mood regardless of another mad demon showing up. He has a good news for his brother Theogo that said he will fry Hok's balls — he better live up to his words.

The female hybrid, Mia, gave a look at Zack through the corner of her eyes as he came past her sitting down. She hastily turned her eyes away from him before he could catch her stealing that glance but unluckily he saw her, silently smiled and left the control room together with the others. Those minor gestures between the two of them didn't go unheeded by Hugo and Rose.

When only Rose, Mia and a vampire pilot were the ones left in the control room, Rose walked from where she was sitting and sat down on the chair next to Mia. She needed her theories to be cleared here.

At first, she was only looking at Mia with a meaningful smirk that says 'I see what's happening here.' before she signaled for her with her right eye brow and said "Well, silent sister, silent killer, first can I at least hear your beautiful voice saying a 'hi' and second, what's with that look you gave the genius prince charming Zack?" She moved her body closer to Mia and whispered "Is that what people call love at the first sight huh?"

Well, Rose seems to have accepted the changes she had her life unforseen going through. The physical changes which is growing of horns, overcoming the trauma of been attacked by some vampires and many other things. Same can be said on Mia who has the heart to feel something for the opposite gender in such an agitated circumstance. The hybrids were abnormal.

The vampire pilot with a very sensitive ear couldn't help but to shake his head in amusement. This celebrity Rose Rockzy has the same character behind the scene just as she appears to the world. An easy-going person was she.

Hugo on the other hand had some little things to talk with Zack. "Hey bro, she's a good choice, you are such a lucky person" He winked at him. Zack stopped walking to understand what Hugo was saying. "What do you mean... and what's your name?"

"I'm Hugo and you of course know what I mean. You have a good taste. Best of luck! lover boy." Hugo said without stopping the way Zack did. Zack sighed and followed him to catch up with the others.


{Available souls: 4}

Out there in the gloomy sea, the mad demon wasn't getting along well in his first encounter with the queen and her knight. He could tell how tasty hee soul can be but he wasn't given a minimum of chance to try consuming it. All he could do was to watch as that soul gives him a beating.

Already, he has lost five different souls by been killed five times in different styles and tactics. That was simply a way in which the queen was using to show she wasn't a queen for nothing and a mere troublesome demon was just a little bunny to kill so many times.

On the other hand, Alks the golden knight lost his left leg when the mad demon tried to use {destructive lava consumption} that started from the left leg. The process wasn't completely successful as the queen controlled some water and froze her knights leg interrupting the lava from eating his body more.

She angrily leapt into the air from where she was and gave the Knight's leg a deadening biff, shattering the leg into a broken frozen leg. She placed her ring at where the Knight's blue blood was about to ooze, froze it and as well lessened the pain he was going through.

The mad demon has learned not to give this woman any chance or moment to catch her breath, he therefore dashed at where she was, moved in zigzag like a blur with his teeth and fists clenched in anger; his lava cracks having some lava filling them, his eyes ready to shoot some eyes laser and to consume the better of all souls in that place.

He almost reached to where the calm standing queen was, when she decided to make a deadly move. She made an X with her arms and two ice blades struck the mad demon on both sides of his body, followed by many blades protruding and striking him unmercifully to make him bleed more blood and to hold him in place tightly. The queen added more thicker ice blades and also froze his eyes in a way where by if he tried using the eyes laser, it'll backfire on him. That's how he slowly died for the fifth time.

The ice blades held him in the same position as white smoke made its way out through his mouth, nostrils and ears rendering him definitely dead.

{Available souls:3}

{You are dying}

Alks the knight couldn't be less proud of how efficient his queen was been in terms of fighting using her ice powers.

"You piece of a bunny!" the queen said with some blue blood on her lips which she licked. She moved to where the dead demon was with an inch distance between them. In order for it not to have a chance of coming back to life again, she hurriedly placed the crystal of her ring on his forehead. Visibly, some more ice started forming around where she placed the ring's crystal and then the whole mad demon was frozen completely in an ice crystal.

{Reincarnation process has started}

{A new soul is familiarizing with your body}

{Your body accepts the soul}

{Welcome back to life}

{Available souls:3}

{Your lust for a soul will be terminated after reaching available of 2 souls only}

{Defeat the enemy around you and have a prize}

The mad demon did mustered all of his strength but he couldn't move. The demon system really wasn't considerate of his well being, telling him to defeat the invincible queen around him.

{A mermaid spell is disrupting your lave powers}

{You can't use your lava powers}

{Your overall body energy is decreasing relatively at a 2% decrease per ten seconds}

The queen generated an ice floor that connected the ice dome and her submarine. She also assisted Alks to walk with his single leg to return back to her submarine in order to wait for the others that already were in the Whale-sized getting the other hybrids. Meanwhile, one of the pilots went and got the frozen mad demon into the submarine.


Inside the Whale-sized, a battle was taking place: The queen's men have arrived and not like expected, the vampires showed more of their numbers who were doing their best in holding the Intruders in the antechamber that Ezraa first arrived at. That was an order from Ezraa, to keep the queen's men for the time being — just as he expected she will send them in here — till their plan on dealing with the new appearing mad demon is completely carried out.

The vampires had only two of them dying and a silver knight was as well dead. Those silver knights had each of them dealing with six to seven vampires at a time. Their difference with the golden knights was less to not observable until they are critically compared.

Ezraa, Owen, Jack, Zack and Lorenz with some little vampires were standing at the cellar that Hok died inside. When the cellar was opened:

{Slow time}

The mad demon that was calmly sitting on the floor slowed the time. That's Zack's time to play his role. He activated his demon system:

{Demon system activate}

{Slow time}

Zack luckily had the system activating when he wanted and also did slowed the time just like the mad demon did. The two of them were confusing and disrupting the time flow in that area. With more seconds passing by, both of them couldn't handle the dizzy feeling they were feeling but the mad demon had a better resistance to it.

Zack's {slow time} retarded that of the mad demon's, establishing a chance for the seconds to tick back as normal. The time was something mysterious and it's powers are widely ranged aimlessly.

Without the time powers ,the mad demon was rendered almost defenceless in the presence of the wizard and the vampires.

Lorenz was slow in acting but Jack, and most especially Owen that had the will to avenge for his deceased nephew, sped better supernaturally. They each gave the mad being a high powerful super kicks and the mad demon collided with the wall behind him. Before he could grab what was happening around him, he saw a man with a black hat holding his leg. "Raowhl hauj" the man with a hat said.

Ezraa became a golden dust very fast than he used to do, together with the mad demon, to teleport into the dark sea. The first part of the plan can be considered a success but what of the second part?

[N]: The wizard's spell might sound different because he wasn't teleporting himself only but with someone else.

[2] The queen's power is water bending and her ring is just an object to better influence her water bending power.

[3]: Mentioning of Soul consumption: In this context, not literarily is a soul consumed. Demons ability and power had granted them the ability to retract the powers within each cell of a living being; most especially, the mitochondrion which is the energy producing organelle of a living cell. With that energy being consumed, apparently, the soul can be considered consumed but literarily the original soul is still here if not for that reason, a mad demon can't come back to life. The whole thing is complicated.


Written by Jaxmaa, Published by W.E.B.N.O.V.E.L
