The Advicer Advices

Theogo's father's question vindicated that his mother was simply, and exhaustively, wasting her vocal energy end-to-end of the period she presented her convincing hypothesis to him that very night; Nesa believed so, and even Hugo, likewise the adults around there.

The Queen demoralizing shut closed her green glowing eyes tightly in believing like how everyone already did and also, to avoid looking back at Lucifer. How ironic it was to choose remaining silent at this time under his disdainful stare.

"Pardon my indulgence in this private conversation, My Lord..." Suddenly, Hudson stated respectfully. "What Her Highness just said all sounds convincing to all of us..." He spoke but his eyes were on Rex who had his daughter within the latter's dangerous reach. The former knew a single command to kill the girl from the Lord could be done swiftly.