Chapter Fifteen: Coincidence

The two students were walking towards their dorm room but they had to climb a few stairs before they could get to their floor.

Because of the lots of crowds and students that are passing, Zoe started whispering silently as he gist Kevin a bit more of the royal family's personality.

"I heard that the wife of the current king, the queen had firstly given birth to a child but the child was a human and was drowned in the river on the very day he was born." Zoe whispered and fear came over Kevin at once.

'A new born baby was drowned in the river for being an human and not an elf? That is really cruel!'

"Is it a crime to be a human and not what you wanted? Is it the baby's fault that his mother were impregnated by a human, this rule of discrimination really needs changing in this land. They can't just discriminate other races because of their stupid rule."

"I can't say it's a cruel thing, and I can't say it's not either, but what exactly is the reason why humans can't live with elves and fairies?" Reed wondered.

The three students sighed deeply at the same time before entering their room.

As they opened the door with the access card they had with them, they instantly froze as they saw a beautiful lady sitting in one of their beds.

"Who... who are you?" Zoe asked.

The fairy lady blinked twice before shutting her eyes as if she's struggling to talk within herself.

She immediately fluttered her eyes open and glanced at the three students. She suddenly stood up and approach them.

Her long, shiny, purple hair were swinging like a pendulum as she walked toward them.She was a bit shorter than the three students but are proportions were accurate.

Her figures and everything was enough to make a king fall for her. Just as the fairy lady that Kevin met at the clinic had a purple hair and beautiful proportions, this lady also have hers.

The only difference is that, the fairy lady is using some kind of magic to make herself look more prettier but the one in front of them wasn't. This was her natural beauty.

"I don't want to come since all of you are males but I thought it over after one of you made me fall for him. I wouldn't mention the person's name yet, 'cause I can see that you're all curious to know." The lady said as she stared at Reed before turning to look at Zoe. "I thought you were four, where's your fourth..."

The door of the room suddenly open and Dan could be seen sweating as he entered. It was as if he had just ran a thirty minute marathon race.

"Oh, here he is." The lady exclaimed, causing Dan's brows to furrow in curiosity.

"What's going on here??" He asked but no one could give answers to his question.

"So, as I was saying. I agreed to come to your room because of one of you. The person is so handsome but like I said, Im not mentioning names." She glanced at Dan before throwing a wink at the last student, Kevin.

"Can you tell us who you are? .. please?" Dan asked, feeling impatient and worn out. He could only feel better if he could have a long refreshing evening shower.

"Easy boy, I will tell you. But promise not to freak out, not many people have seen my face but if they hear the name of my family, they'll freak out."

"Then tell us your name." Reed said, eyes full of curiosity.

"I.. am... Lexa, the second and last daughter of the used to be fairy King. The Munroe Family."

As Lexa said this, the jaws of the three students dropped in amazement. It seems like the students of this year are not taking the competition into the human world easy.

Lexa was Lina's younger sister. Lina was an old student who had just finish her academy last year, Lexa was her sister and she'll be staying in the same room with the four males elves.

Is this a coincidence? They were just coming from the older sister's office and they had met the younger sister in their dorm room.

"You, are Lexa? Lina's younger sister? The daughter of King Munroe?" Zoe asked as he stepped forward to approach her.

"Yes, I am. It's nice to meet you... again." Lexa replied with a smile.

As if they had planned it before, the three students suddenly rushed to hug Lexa. Kevin could only stand and wonder what was going on.

But he's trying his best not to act ignorant. Yet he can't help but wonder why the three students went to hug her.