Chapter Seventeen: Strange Ninja Fairy

Kevin was strolling down the hallway, as he made his way towards the training hall that they were shown during the tour.

Even though Kevin seems fine on the outside, he was bothered as his mind was flooded with thoughts of who exactly his mother was.

He once asked his father, the wizard, but he only answer back by saying; when the time comes, I will tell you everything.

'Wait, what exactly is that everything that my father doesn't want me to know now? What secret is my father keeping from me that can't be revealed to me?" Kevin wondered, but suddenly, he had heard a notification sound from the system.

< Warning, you are being hunted down by Kidnappers >

"What?!!" Kevin exclaimed as he quickly activated his Elven eyes.

< New Quest >

< Escape and Survive by all means >

< Quest Reward: ???? >

Suddenly, Kevin could see about six elven auras approaching him. Seeing that they were only six, Kevin cancelled his Elven eyes to see the elves properly. Truly, the six are all elves and they all looked dangerous.

They are quite muscular and huge like the guy that was arrested back in the city for kidnapping students.

"Who are these people?" Kevin wondered.

They could be anyone. They could be part of the academy soldiers, or one of the teachers. But whoever they might be, Kevin won't be kidnapped by them.

Whoever they might be, Kevin wants to escape from them as soon as possible. He's not strong enough to challenge people like this, they are stronger than him and he could not survive fighting six of them.

The system had also proved to him that he could survive by escaping with every means possible.

The six elves had surrounded Kevin and they all have one thing in common, fire magic!

They can control fire so well, as it was clear to Kevin that they were above the rank of a Mage soldier. If any student plans to fight these six elves, they won't have any chance of winning at all.

"Who are you guys? What do you want??" Kevin asked, thinking of how to escape.

That was exactly the problem, he has been cornered by the elves before he knew it and it will be extremely difficult for him to escape at this point.

'Shit, what do I do. These guys are so strong for me to handle.' Kevin was worried. He was more worried when he saw that these elves also have weapons with them.

One of the elves was about to charge at Kevin that an arrow was sent flying at him. The elf quickly dodged the arrow and sliced the other arrows that were coming his way into pieces with his sword.

The other elves were alerted as they saw that someone was hiding and shooting arrows at them.

Immediately, someone had landed before them. The person was in a Ninja costume with his eyes and mouth covered. But what was surprising was that the person was a fairy, his wings were flapping against each other as he landed beside Kevin.

"Hey handsome, can you do me a favour?" The fairy said but Kevin thought that the voice sounds familiar and feminine.

'This is not a male's voice, it sounds like a female voice, who could it be?' He wondered.

"Stay behind me and don't get hurt. They won't be able to get closer to me anyway."

Just then, another Ninja fairy appeared in front of them.

He glanced at Kevin before facing the six elves who were now creating a battle formation.

"Remember me?" The fairy said. A mocking smile could be sensed in his tone. "Yeah, it's me... I'm not letting you go this time."

The fairy raised his two hands and from the sky could be seen empowering his body at once.

"Lightning Magic? He didn't use this magic last time, did he?" One of the elves said, his voice almost shaking.

"He must have two different magics. Isn't his magic rare?" They said and shivered as if they were about to face their most feared enemy.

Of all magic present, lightning Magic is the hardest and rarest magic someone can ever learn.

Only the strong minded could learn such magic or they might reach their limit during the process. And once they have reached their limit, the next thing is death.

So most elves and fairies prefer not to learn lightning.

Seeing someone with a lightning Magic as strong as this meant they could never win against him. The elves then made the plans of escaping as soon as possible.

"Come on, fight me!" The Ninja fairy shouted but the six elves held onto each other and suddenly like a flash of light, they disappeared, leaving only the dark smoke from the black magic they just use.

"I know those brats will run away." The first fairy standing in front of Kevin said.

The second fairy turned backward and threw a glance at Kevin before shifting his gaze to the fairy.

"I'll go get them. Try and shut him up." He says before flying off."

Kevin was wondering what the fairy meant by shut him up. They didn't plan to cut his throat off for seeing the kidnappers, do they?

The fairy turned around and started walking towards Kevin and with every step he was taking, it looks too feminine.

He has been among males for over seventeen years so he knew how male walks. Kevin would have challenged the fairy but he decided that it was best if he didn't. He would wait till the ninja tells him who exactly he is.

Too bad he didn't have his sword with him, he would have revealed the face of the ninja in front of him.

With each move that the fairy made towards him, Kevin stepped backwards until he realize that his back had touched the wall of the hall and was now cornered by the strange Ninja fairy.

"Who are you?" Kevin blurted out as he noticed that the fairy's mouth was now close to his.

' He's not trying to kiss me, is he? Wait, is he even a male. I can perceive her feminine smell and could hear her gasping voice. It sounds a lot like a Female's voice. Wait, is she trying to kiss me, is she a harlot or what?'

Kevin almost freaked out but he suddenly flinched as he was suddenly lifted up into the air by the fairy.

He couldn't believe he was flying in the air, it was a bit cold but he enjoyed the breeze.

He could see the full view of the academy while in the air and even though it was evening time, there was electricity everywhere, making the academy look more beautiful.

But Kevin immediately snapped out of his daze as he struggled to call for the fairy's attention.

"Hey! Where are you taking me to?" Kevin shouted.

"To know who I am." The fairy said without even glancing at Kevin.