Chapter Nineteen: Level Up!

Finally, Kevin had gotten back to his dorm room. As he shut the door behind, he discovered that the other students were already asleep, including Lexa.

Lexa was sleeping on the vacant bed which was the last bed that was beside Kevin's.

As he stood glancing at Lexa on her bed, a thought suddenly ran through his mind.

"These two sisters are far different from each other. How pleasant would it be if Lexa's sister could be cool headed as you are." Kevin thought before slumping into his bed for a bed time rest.

He's emotionally and mentally drained, but a long night sleep would make him feel better.

While he was still waiting for sleep to come, Kevin recalled seeing Lina place an envelope into his pocket, and he had hurriedly brought it out to check what was written in it.

But because it was already dark and Kevin was feeling a bit sleepy, he kept it somewhere among his stuffs and planned to read when it's time.

Thinking of what other things he needed to do, Kevin recalled that the system gave him a quest while he was almost kidnapped by those kidnappers. He quickly check to see if he had any messages and started reading them.

< You have unread messages >

'Yeah, I know.' Kevin smiled as he knew it was probably the rewards he received from the quest given to him.

If there was something he would use to remember Lina, that would be her, saving him tonight and also granting him a quick completion to his quest.

< Congratulations, you have completed the quest >

< Quest Reward: 50 Exp >

< Exp: 140/100 >

< Level up! Do you wish you evolve to the next level? >

'What do you expect, yes.' Kevin replied and the system beeped twice in approval.

< Evolution will now begin >

Xin could feel a little bit of pain inside of him but after about a minute after, the pain stopped as he started receiving countless notifications from the system.

< Congratulations, you are a now level two Triling >

'Thanks, but can you explain what Triling means??' Kevin tried to see if he could converse with the system but there was no reply.

< Exp: 40/200 >

< New magic has been unlocked >

< Lightning Magic, level 1 >

"Whoah whoah whoah! I finally got a magic!" Kevin screamed for joy.

He had plans of substituting the gems he had to obtain a magic but he thought the gems could have an importance in the future, so he kept them in a small pouch he has with him.

He proceeded on reading the notifications from the system as he was excited about his new development. At least in the absence of his sword, he should be able to fight using magic.

< Two new skills has been unlocked >

< Lightning bolt: [The User will be able to send a bolt of lightning towards the opponent he wishes to attack, the lightning bolt can travel at a distance of 500 metres] >

Kevin was amazed when he saw the new skills that he was given had an indication, explaining how it could be used.

The system really surprised him. Now that he had a magic, the only thing left is how he could utilize it.

It was nighttime and it won't be good if he practice a magic as strong as this in this small room. He might wake someone up or cause an unwanted damage.

< Lightning Cloak: The user is able to encase himself and another person into a cloak of lightning, thereby preventing others from seeing you. Note: You can encase up to four other people in your lightning Cloak. The limit is five people including you >

This seems nice to Kevin, he's going to try everything out tomorrow. Thanks to Lina once again, he was able to level up and gain these rewards.

Kevin yawned as he stared at the other informations that the system revealed to him.

He had a lot of stuffs to do tomorrow, he needs to test out his new powers and also need to find out a way of getting more stronger than he is.

As he thought of places he needed to go, sleep started creeping in and before he realize it, he has already slept off.

The next he opened his eyes, it was early in the morning, an alarm had sounded, waking all the students up to prepare for the day.

Although, there wasn't much to do for this week. Classes begins next week, so students were allowed to do as they wish for this week.

After everyone in Kevin's room had gotten dressed up, they started discussing where each would be going and everyone started talking.

"I'll be heading for the weapon hall, Reed and I saw a lot of weapons there and we planned to borrow some of it to fight." Zoe said.

"What about you Lexa?" Dan suddenly popped out the question.

"Err, I don't have anywhere in mind to go to, maybe staying in the room would be best." Lexa answered.

"Well, I'm heading for the school's museum, we could go together, or what do you think Lexa?" Dan pouted out, winking at Lexa playfully.


"Yeah, you're going with me after breakfast." Dan suddenly replied, not giving Lexa the chance to speak or object to his suggestion." Lexa could only glance at Dan, giving him a scornful look. Although Dan wasn't looking, and missed her reaction to his word.

After each of them had discussed where they would be going, Zoe noticed that Kevin said nothing throughout and had decided to ask him instead.

"Hey Kev, where are you heading to, for the day?" Zoe asked.

As if everyone had anticipated to ask him the question, they all stared at him for an answer, making Kevin to chuckle nervously. He cleared his throat before talking.

"Ermm.. Do anyone of you know where I could go if I want to fight using my fist. I want the place to be plainly a fist fight." He asked, showing a little bit of hope of getting an answer.

He thought asking them was quite silly, they were brought into the school for the first time and at the same time, could it be possible for them to know about a place where he could go if he wants to fight several opponents. He must also be careful, he's not sure if he can use his newly gotten magic yet.

"Sure, you can go to the martial arts hall and ask for a spar from any of the students available, as long as there are students available, they will surely accept." Dan said, although he knew most students wouldn't be there as they prefer using their magics than fighting with fists. Between the Magic arts hall and the martial arts hall, the students would prefer going to the magic arts hall than going to the martial arts hall. The probability ratio is about 90/100 : 10/100.

"Is that okay?" Dan asked after a long silence.

"Yeah, sure.. I,.. I'll give it a try and if I can't see anyone, I may head into the library." Kevin blurted out as he noticed Dan's change of behaviour. He was doing this probably because of Lexa.

'He's acting like he is boss over me. What the hell.' Kevin cursed within himself.

The five students then exited their dorm rooms as they headed towards the canteen for breakfast. The canteen was just a few metres walk from where their dorm room was, so it didn't take long for them to get there. But there was an extreme long queue as they got there. Over three hundred students were waiting for their food to be served. And just as the queue was decreasing, more students kept on coming and the queue kept on getting longer.

While Kevin and the other four students approached the queue, six students had suddenly passed by them as they went to the beginning of the queue to drag the ones that were at the front away.