Chapter 33: I must make her fall for me.

Before Lexa entered the room, Dan was practicing his speech as he had plans of asking Lexa out after tendering a pleading speech for what he did in the morning. He had intentionally told his siblings to leave as he had plans of proposing to Lexa tonight. In his hand was a written note containing different speech he could use that would make her accept his proposal.

"Lexa, I'm really sorry for what I did in the morning. Honestly, I'm a stupid dude. I deserved to be killed but after you were gone, I realized that I wanted to protect you at all cost. While I was seated on the chair thinking of meeting up with you, I had suddenly saw a vision of you and me. I saw you standing in front of me and then started scolding me affectionately. That was when I realized that I'm in love with you. So for this reason, will you be my girlfriend Lexa... No, I sound like a chipmunk. Let's go again--- Lexa, I want us to become couples... Now I sound like a chicken-- Lexa,.."