[Bonus chapter]Chapter 38: He's so hot and sexy.

Kevin brought out the pendant that was said to have been given to him by his father. He took a glance at it as he had been doing ever since he was a kid. It was a dragon pendant. The dragon was a tiny, black dragon but even till now, he didn't know what it signifies.

"You mean I've been carrying a five hundred thousand old pendant with me all over my life?" Kevin asked.

"Yes you are. The pendant is so valuable, it costs a fortune to have something like this. If I'm to make a quick estimation, it'll worth a thousand diamonds to have it." The system said.

"Really? Is it that expensive? I could sell it in purchase of weapons and armours. I would even become wealthier than any rich student in this school."

"You're not thinking of selling the pendant are you? Kevin.. don't.."

"Thanks for telling me this system, you're the best!" Kevin said as he jumped up in excitement. Suddenly, he found himself floating in the air as his Triling wings flapped against each other.