Chapter 44: Stubborn Mistress

"Stop! Stop! Everyone should stop fighting!" Elijah said as he got into the midst of the students.

The female his mistress ordered him to bring was surprisingly someone he knew. He rubbed his eyes to see if he wasn't seeing illusions.

' Don't tell me... Lexa was the one who froze her sister?! Arghh.. what did I got myself into, I've promised mistress Lina. She must have known I couldn't do it.'

Just as Lina was her mistress at home, so was Lexa. Elijah was a loyal servant to the two lady fairies and had been serving their family for almost twenty years. Seeing that his mistress was in danger, he had to interfere and rescue her.

"Get your hands off her right now," Elijah shouted and the guards who had seen that their mistress was in danger immediately rushed to save her.

Two of the guards grabbed the elves that endangered Lexa and made them kneel on the ground.