Chapter 82: The Shadow Ring

"Jeri, among your shadow abilities, you got something like a shadow Void or something? It's like an empty dark place in the shadow." Kevin asked.

"No, none that I know of. The only thing I know about my shadow is the ability to pass through walls and the shadow control."

"How does the shadow control work?"

"I can use the shadow to do anything I want. I can shape a glove with it, and make dresses with it. It was so much fun when I first discovered it at age ten. It was at the time when I got the Triling I gave you."

"I was so disappointed in myself back then that I couldn't do anything even though I learned the shadow magic. I couldn't raise a single shadow unless I read the words written in the shadow magic book. The words are a bit longer and weren't as easy as using the Shadow freely like this." Jeri said as she lifted Derek's shadow above his feet. Shadow hands had come out from his shadow and had grabbed onto his legs, pulling him to the ground, totally unseeable by anyone.