[Bonus chapter]Chapter 91: A room we could go

"Kevin, I understand that you're angry but you shouldn't have done that to your mother. She's the queen of this land." Lexa said as she stopped Kevin just outside the library.

Kevin puffed and looked into Lexa's eyes. "If you're going to be lecturing me about my decisions, then stay away from me. All my life I thought my mother was dead and my dad was the wizard who had to live in the forest because I was human, but surprisingly I had a mother. She was alive and living a luxurious life in the city while her son was stuck with some wizard in a forest for a whole sixteen years. How do you call that fair."

Kevin turned his face away as he pulled the hair of his head.

Lexa could feel the anger in Kevin's tone but she was trying her best to make him cool down his anger.

"I know you're angry Kevin, but you should try and calm down. It's not your mother's fault that you were taken to the forest neither was it the wizard's fault."