Chapter 94: The coming together of two family members.

Kevin used his shadow void skill to appear outside the shadow and landed in front of the library.

But before he entered the library, he took a look at his Status which immediately displayed the amount of Exp he had.

< Exp: 230/600 >

< + Additional 175 Exp for defeating seven vampires and 200 Exp for kissing 5 minutes straight >

< 605/600 >

< Do you wish to level up? >

Not thinking twice about the decision, Kevin immediately accepted to level up, while standing outside the library.

The night was cold and the snow was falling more than before. Kevin wondered if the queen might have left but something was hinting to him that she was still around.

He could feel an attraction towards her, perhaps it was because they were of the same blood. But, from the time he had set his eyes on her, he had that feeling of a close relationship with her, even before she removed the veil from her head.

Kevin had a lot of things to do for this week and the next few weeks.