Chapter 105: The strange castle

"Nice ring you got there." Kevin smiled as Graham moved his hands closer to shake him.

"Thanks," Graham said as he withdrew his hands back without shaking Kevin. He had a curious and suspicious look on his face after hearing Kevin compliment his ring.

< Leak skill activated >

< Dragon Summoner Ring >

< Obtain the ring to receive more rewards >

"Okay, we'll meet in class then," Graham said as he instantly walked back to his bed with a frown on his face. He knew Kevin looks suspicious as he asked about the ring in his hands. From the reports he received from his men about Matt and the others, they said to him that their rings had gone missing.

He wondered how the ring could have gone missing when they were under the influence of the bloodstone spell. The rings couldn't disappear unless someone stole them from their hands.

Seeing how Kevin recognized his ring made him come to the conclusion that he knew something about the rings.

"Is he planning to sell them?" Graham wondered.