Chapter 108: New rules

Students have assembled in the hall with the creatures of the dark sitting on one side while the creatures of light were sitting on the other side which was opposite to them.

There were murmurings between the two groups as each insulted and haul stuff at the other, using magic and spells.

Lexa had gotten to her seat five minutes before Eight, but she couldn't see Kevin anywhere. She wondered what must have caused the delay. Even at two minutes to eight, she was yet to come.

While she was wondering where Kevin could be, someone had suddenly thrown a snowball at her. Unaware of what was coming, she got hit by the snowball, and then she got furious.

Full of rage and anger, she shaped an ice ball, thick and hard as a stone. Everyone's gaze was on her but she didn't care. She then proceeded on yanking the ice ball on the dark male elf that was snickering at what he did Lexa.