Chapter 112: Crazy Quest

"Are you seeing this Kevin?"

Jeri said as she noticed the change in Azura's eyes. She was about to transform into something terrible. And it might frighten everyone to death which will lead to lots and lots of questioning.

One another side, Kevin had just received a new Quest from the system.

< New Quest >

< The user Azura is about to transform into a beast, Protect Jeri from being killed by the beast >

< Quest Reward: 100 Exp, and if you successfully complete the quest with no one getting hurt, not even you. You will receive a new ability from the System >

The reward from this quest was so enormous and attractive that Kevin wanted to complete it at all cost.

Thinking of what to do, he had suddenly gained a lightbulb.

"Jeri, quick. Create a shadow dome, I'll join you inside soon." Kevin ordered.