Chapter 125: The third shadow ring

The invisible alien beast was visible to only Sophia and Kevin and it was clutching hard on Kevin's feet, preventing him from moving from that spot.

"Gosh, this shit has an enormous amount of strength, even at its half strength. Are all Aliens like this." Kevin asked the system.

"Aliens are much more stronger than you think. You know, I once visited the Alien world, and to be honest, they are stronger and smarter than I thought they were. Our technology is no match to theirs. It is very, very much more advanced than humans and that is why humans are unable to defeat them." The System said.

What the aliens wanted was the destruction and domination of the Earth planet, once they are able to dominate the earth planet, all its dwellers, including humans, elves, fairies, and wild and domestic animals may be killed or made to become slaves to the Aliens.