Chapter 132: Louis Brentford

"You know, your dad used to be a very skillful student back in his youthful days. Since you're his daughter, you might also take after him. He's quite knowledgeable when it comes to casting spells. I guess you also have that talent. So, why don't you tell us how to use the control spell." Grace said to Lexa.

"Go on, go on. Make everyone proud." She pushed Lexa toward the birdcage.

'This is unfair, why is she telling them to cast spells that they weren't taught.' Kevin said.

'I'm just as annoyed as you are. I wish I could do something.' The A1 said.

'Can't anything be done to save those girls? Like, maybe a cheat video of how to use the spell or something.'

'Ah ah, so you plan to cheat so you could save those girls right?' The A1 teased Kevin.

'Come on, shut your mouth. I'm only saving them because they are pretty.' Kevin replied.

'Are you going to add them to your Harem?'