Chapter 134: Reverse Spell

Lexa immediately walked towards Kevin before he reversed the control spell. She is unsure of Kevin's capability to reverse an already casted spell. Even though he's a Triling, she's sure he never learnt how to use spell.

"Kevin, are you sure you can do this? I can find a way to bring my dad over by using the shadow. You don't have to stress yourself for nothing." Lexa said.

"I'm not stressing myself for nothing. I'm here to free everyone." Kevin said before flashing a smile at the girls who had been called before he was called.

"Hey girls, you owe me something if I successfully reverse the spell." Kevin said.

Most of the ladies scoffed at Kevin's words. They didn't believe he could cast any spells not to talk of reverse. They thought of Kevin as a boastful brat who couldn't actually do anything. He's just a pervert who's trying to save the day with his worthless pride.