R-18 / Chapter 143: I love you.

"Were you looking for me?" Kevin asked.

"Yes." Sunny said. "My mum wants to inform you about Azura's admittance into the school while I came to see how you're faring. I heard about it, I'm sorry, Grace picked you as her victim but it's meant to be just as it was shown in the vision."

What Sunny said right now confused Kevin a little bit. She said vision right now. What does it mean. The two were about to leave but Kevin stopped them.

"Wait, what do you mean by vision. Do you also have visions?" He asked.

"Yes, she does." Pretta answered.

"Like Jeri? You are also able to see visions like Jeri?" He asked again.

"Are you close with Jeri?" Pretta asked. "I guess you're more than a friend. That could be the only reason why you know about her talent of seeing vision."

"I wish you luck on your journey Kevin. Goodbye." Pretta said and they were off. Sunny wanted to say something but her mother didn't allow her.