Chapter 151: Do something

Everywhere had become blurry to Kevin all of a sudden. He couldn't seem to control his body anymore. A system message appeared before him but he couldn't see the message. His grip around Jeri's hands was getting loose.

First it was blurry figures but now he couldn't see anything. It was dark, pitch black,… and silent.

"What's going on?" He murmured against his breath but he heard his voice echo in the darkness.

"What? Where is this?" He exclaimed within himself. "Am I dead or what?"

He wondered as he walk to front and left in the darkness but he couldn't see anything.

"Am I really dead? Gosh, that puff managed to kill me. But why is the system not doing anything? Shit, he's even the cause of this problem. I shouldn't have believe the notification when it said I could use it to my opportunity. What opportunity is he talking about."

Back in reality, Kevin was unconscious on Jeri's lap. She was shaking with fear and the guilt of Kevin's death was starting to hunt her.