Chapter 169: Blood Fairy

Kevin sighed as he listened to Sophia's answers to his questions. Now that he knew who Devilclaw is, he wanted to know what led him into being banished from the elf village (It was still a village back then and not the city it was now. There were still flat roofs and burglaryless rooms back at that time).

Kevin asked this question to know what he did in the past that led him to be an enemy of not just the Triling but the enemy of everyone.

"I'm really sorry Kevin. I don't know what happened. No one does. We only heard the story of how he became enemies with us and how he swore to have revenge on those that offended him. The incident happened in a very long time, we weren't born by then. But if I could ask some older elves or fairies, they might have an answer to that."