R-18 Chapter 174: Foursome

Lexa was just leaving the clinic after watching Jeri got treated by the healers. She wasn't able to go to the flight class, 'Cause she had to watch over Jeri.

Her mind was flooded with different thoughts as she walk out of the patient ward where Jeri was staying.

She felt pity for Jeri and at the same time was wondering what happened to Kevin and the others who were in the Vr game. Was Max alright? How about Azura, nothing happened to her right? If not, she would have seen countless patients admitted into the clinic. But there weren't many patients in the clinic, which gives her a relief that at least no one was injured.

As she exited the clinic, she saw Azura standing at a corner and had quickly went to approach her.

"Hey Az, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Nothing much, I was taking care of some things and was also waiting for Kevin."

"Kevin? Where is he?"

Azura pointed toward a building that stood close to the clinic building.