Chapter 190: New Quest

"Do you know what we're to face out there? Vampires! We're going into a motherfucking vampire castle. Do you have a death wish?"

"Even if we're to go with you, you'll have to duel one of us in a fight. We'll have to see how strong you are. Would you be able to fight a vampire if you come across one." The second brother said.

"When are we having the duel, I'm ready if you're ready. If I win the fight, one of you two is going with me, if otherwise, then I won't bother you anymore. Deal?" Kevin said.

The two brothers looked at each other before glaring back at Kevin.

"Okay. Let's fight."

The ongoing match was put to an end as Kevin and Simon's brother; Sam went inside the battle ring to have a fight.

"Our match will be based on how good you are with sword. As you know that sword is the only thing we could use to fight the vampires. Our magic is weak against them now that they have the blood ability." Sam explained.

"Okay. So how do we decided the winner." Kevin asked.