Chapter 198: Preparing for tomorrow.

Upon getting to the library, Kevin made his way into Lina's room at the right.

He knocked on the door a few times and it was soon opened up by Lina.

"Hi." Kevin said.

"Oh, it's you." Lina was already in her nightgown and was just about to go to bed that Kevin knocked on her door.

She thought it was grace and didn't want to open up but she changed her mind and decided to see what the person has for her.

That was when she realised that it was Kevin and not Grace. She heaved a sigh of relief and opened the door for Kevin to enter.

"First time in history, you never came to see me voluntarily. I guess my sister is sleeping to let you come here all alone. Did you come to see me or what." Lina said as she smiled at him flirtatiously.

"I'm here to see you, it's about the forbidden forest." Kevin said.

Lina realised that Kevin wasn't here for what she thought he's here for, so she suspended her flirting for later and listened to him.