Chapter 203: Dwarfs (edited)

"What do you mean ma?" Kevin asked.

The old woman signalled for him to follow her which he did almost instantly. Simon also followed after him as they entered the old woman's tent.

"I heard you have a question." The old woman said as they entered her tent.

Kevin was once again dumbfounded by her question. This was probably the first time he'll be seeing her. What does she mean by he has a question for her.

"Err, sorry. I think you must have mistaken me for somebody else." Kevin said as he moved towards the exit but the old woman immediately stopped him in his movement.

"Stop!" As the old lady shouted this, Kevin's legs stood in a position that he doesn't seem to be able to move them again.

"I'm not mistaken! you are Kevin, the only son of my daughter, my grandson." The old lady said.

Kevin stilled in his unmoving position and glanced at the old lady.