R-18 / Chapter 217: Elsa’s Payback

It was already nighttime, Elsa's mother had promised to tell them about her escape from the infamous Rajshah the next day.

But for now, she asked for everyone to enjoy themselves for the night. At the moment, Lexa was at the back of the hut, helping the dwarfs prepare some dinner. Since Sunny was blind, and Azura couldn't rely do much in the cooking department, the two decided to go out for a walk into the forest.

It wasn't really a walk, as Azura had requested from Lexa to teach her some fighting moves. She only knew how to fight in her beast form, but that wasn't a good option. Since she always returns naked after transforming from her beast form to her elvish form. She decided it would be best if she knew how to fight in a hand to hand combat.

She asked Sunny for her help since she was good in melee combat and had decided to help her. That was how they ended up at the back of the dwarf hut.