Ch. 9


As the sun rose, a black-headed early bird rose from his slumber. Sitting upright, he yawns and turns to shake his friend awake. 'Jesus, it's 7 o'clock already. We would normally be getting ready for school but now we're going home instead.'

'wake up Caroline! It's morning!'

The teen gave his friend another nudge and stepped out of the wooden cabin.'We traveled a bit on my skates yesterday so we just have to walk for 15 minutes... and then some before we reach my house.' says Morocco as he starts walking along the dirt road.

'Yeah, sure. Meanwhile we can try out our powers.'

'... You go first, I'm afraid I might get too tired to move if I do anything extreme.'

'Well I mean, you nearly dropped us yesterday so ok.'

As they walked Caroline started practicing with her butterflies. There were only thirty of them in total.

Originally, there had been thirty two, but one got lost and another got distracted by flowers. The rest of them seemed to have bonded well with Caroline and were now following her everywhere.

'How do you communicate with them?' Morocco inquired with curiosity written on his face. ' You talk to them and control them with your mind, you know? Like your mind is a third muscle that has no physical limitations. But moving it at first is honestly draining...' Caroline wipes invisible sweat off her forehead and sighs for the dramatic effect.

Morocco kicks a stone and frowns thoughtfully. That meant he needed to use his mind to control ice... But what limitations did the ice have?

Pherhaps it only let him freeze things? Or maybe he could even pull ice out from thin air? Could he turn things into ice?

Morocco sighed again. It would take some time to try out all his theories... But he might as well try it now, while they had nothing better to do.

'Well here goes nothing.' Grinning, Morocco started trying to make ice.

3 hours later, Morocco starts to understand that to use his magic, he needs to be in a certain mood, in between arrogance and aloofness add in a dash of amusement...It felt quite bubbly to be honest.

Well, he couldn't really explain it but as Caroline said that she felt completely different when she used butterfly magic, he guessed the 'mood' differed for everyone.

Well I hope my goes up soon, whatever that is thinks Morocco as he carefreely manifests a barrage of ice cubes and let's them rain with a 'pitter patter' on the sidewalk.

Morocco had also noticed that ice cubes had far by been the easiest to make, he would bet real money that it was because he could see it most vividly out of all the things he had tried to make - probably because he had didn't have a really great imagination and could see something 'real' better than something imagined, unlike the other things he had tried to make...

Well he guessed he would get more inspiration on what to make later. Morocco sighs as he temporarily condemned himself to the fate of making a avalanche of ice cubes.