Sacred writings

Williams opened the case slowly only to find an old scrolled piece of paper

I peeped to see the paper, it was very old and heavily yellowish, age has acted on it continuously and it seemed to destroy with the slightest of touch

I couldn't wait for him to open it because he just scanned through the paper like forever

"aren't you going to open it?" I asked him with a Stern look

"oh I'll open it" I was fully sure he saw the impatient side of me. At last, he opened it....

The words were ancient and definitely not English. And also not written in any language on the globe, it was also written in an odd way, Scattered without coordination.

"this is odd, and also written in ink mixed with blood!" Williams sounded confident with saying those words

"how do you know it was written in ink mixed with blood" I mimicked him playfully but soon realize he wasn't joking, "wait it wasn't a joke?"

"Lee, no! I've been a detective for more than thirteen years and I know different smell, texture, sight and also taste of any strange thing I see, so when I say this is written in ink mixed with blood, I'm correct" he spat the words angrily at me and this was the first time in my life, I heard him speak so furiously.

Noticing his mistake, he quickly apologized, "lee I'm so sorry"

"how can we understand this language?" of course I was annoyed with him but I still have to figure out what is going on

".... lee I'm sorry"

"it's okay Williams, we just need to figure out what this is all about, maybe it will lead us to some Clues" I said trying to break up the tension

"well, I have an old friend, he can figure this out" Williams assured me with a slight guilty smile

"okay, if you believe he can read it, then I believe too" I said that in a way trying to make Williams know I'm no longer annoyed with him, but he didn't get it

"but he's in London!"

Williams broke the words like it was a new journey to venture in.

"London... that's far" I complained

"well, we need to get to London if this information is highly relevant, in which it is... and also when you're ready to travel, call me because I'm always ready at anytime" he was literally praising himself but I just ignored him totally

"okay, when I'm ready I'll call you" I told him

"okay, since that's done, I'll I'll be taking my leave now" he walked towards the door muttering some words I do wish to hear, "bye lee"

"bye Williams" I waved at him as he smiled fully before leaving. All those actions triggers memories, old memories.

I took the paper and neatly rolled it into place. If going to London is the only solution, then I'll but not just now.

I still have lots of things to take care of. Turning my back, I layed on my bed not noticing the words on the paper glowing red.