chapter vii

The plan

The morning came up, and Jessie and Hank grandsons is up, Berry and Ronald. " grandma grandma, " grandsons back to sleep, she outside, said. Hank. " Grandpa, " yes Ronald? Finally Jordan and Jessie walked into the stable barns everyone is wake, " who want to stay on patrol, said. Jordan, " me, said,Jamie, " grandson you are too young but love the heart, Jordan picked him up, " what we had to do Aunt Jordan? Asked. Kendall, " just stand at the corners watch, in case we were following then if you see anyone call us and get back to the stable close and locked the door, answered. Jordan, " we shouldn't be gone that long, said. Jessie . " move out, they got upbon their horses and wagons and left the town, Kendall is stand in from of the door, and Toni is up at the entrance, Cullun is up on the banister. And Libby is at the other entrance. " [keep your eyes open guys,] said. Cullen, "[ Kendall Toni has you seen anything yet?] Asked. Libby, " [ nope, we in the clear.[ said, Kendall, they half way up the valley when Jordan spotted them, " they are here and going same direction, said. Jordan, " we got a town to protect, and people to aid, Heather and Nancy get the kids somewhere safe, Teeno and Frankie clear the streets,they not going to leave Houston Texas without a fight, said. Jessie, " bring the Sheriff to us if you get him, tome for the judges ruling,said. Hank, they rode for Cape town, they got their before they did Heather and Nancy took the wagons into the stables, took them out of the wagons," stay do not move, and they closed and locked the door, they pull out their guns and cocked them, Teeno and Frankie got everyone off the streets, "[ mom and Aunt Jordan we are good, ] said. Heather, "[ same here the street is ours and everyone is down on the floor and their house, ] they loaf their rifles, "[ good, let's do Taxes Justice, ] said. Jessie, they got off their horses and put their hats on and walked up, " by all means do not get shot or kill this is not the day to bury a husband, kids, in law, grandkids or grandkids in law, said. Jordan, " that goes for you two, said. Hank, " you think we want to lose wives and mothers? Asked. Thomas, the Sheriff posy ride in town ," bounty of law where is the outlaw and Grovenor? Asked. The Sheriff, the marshal and deputy of Cape town walked up, " may we join in this to? Asked. The marshal, " of course, you ate a badge why you trying to kill your people and Grovenor? Asked. Jessie, h take his badge of toss it at her, " that tell us plenty he was hired to kill the Grovenor, fortunately his big boss just don't want Dallas anymore, Loisanna, Mexico Nebraska and Houston, said. Jordan, " to get them you have to come through us, let us introduce ourselves before you withdraw, we are the bounty of law season hearts, we not handling the states or grovement to you, you on our turf,said. Jessie, so it begins the gunfight between the season hearts and posey, they scattered and Dodge, Duck and fire, bullets flying back in forth. " I thought we weren't about the gunfight? Said. Teeno, " mom dad!" We not we have no choice at this moment, said. Jessie, " family first, said. Jordan, " wolf to wolf? She smiled at her, they slide out on their k eyes firing at them, they both hit one in the shoulder knocking him off his horse, they jump and rolled, and fire again, hitting another one, he fall of the horse, " [ get the one we hit locked the in the cell.] Said, Jessie. "[ is it safe?] Asked, Cameron with a sm, he slide out long with Preston and they grab them and drag them into the law office, locked them in the cells, they hi-fi, "[ if you want to join your mothers, wives, grandmother and mother in law now is the time, boys stay their more is on the way to you,] said. Jordan, they ran out firing at them, Jessie grab him throw him on the ground put her foot on him while she reload, Teeno and Frankie slide up and firing,they both hit one in the shoulder knocking him off the horses, Hank iii and Bason grab him throw him in the door," nice throw nephew! Said. Cameron and Preston, they grab him put him in the cell, " [ don't get to cocky children, we hear your wolves howling,] said. Jessie, " [ welcome to the wolf pack,] said. Jordan, she spin gun around in fire at the one near, Jordan fire again he fall off his horse, " last chance you can surrender to Houston Texas, or get the Judges voice,said. Jordan, Rico and Asher grab them throw them into the door, " special delivery, they laughed and said, " our brothers are one of a million, said . Preston, they picked them up put them in the cell, " make you think don't it, said. Cameron, " about what? Asked .Preston, " maybe they should stayed in Dallas, he smiled at him, " true, the law is wired over here. Said, Preston. More bullets flying back in forth, they Dodge again, they spin their guns around firing at them, you can hear their wolves howl louder, as they peek off every one , they pick up the wounded in take them in the cells, it was just him, "[ d£mn mom you got to teach us how to do that,] said. Tiffany, "[ it's a wolf thing you stepping in to, ] said. Jessie, the Sheriff went for his gun and they fire at him, they hit him in the arm knocking him off his horse, they blow the smoke off their guns, and put them in their holster . " Brett and John take him to your father and uncle, said . Jessie they grab him off the ground and take him into the court office and sat him down hard, Jordan and Jessie walked into the office, as Hank and Thomas walked up, " who hire you? Asked. Hank, " how they in the sack I love get some, they slap him hard in the face, " d¥mned! B¡tch! Thomas and Hank grab him throw him at the wall, " first you never disrespect a judge wife! Said, Thomas. " second you going to talk one way or another, said. Hank, " even if we have to beat it out bounty style, said.Jordan, Jessie throw him back in the chair, and dig her nails in where he got shot at, awww! Make her stop! Okay I talked, he cried, they walked into the office, " Mrs. Garrett at ease love thank you, said. Hank, she take her fingers out, " anytime Mr. Garrett, said. Jessie, " some big town gunner, I don't know what his name is, said. The Sheriff, " gals is he lying? Asked. Thomas, " our wives can tell when you are lying, " so far he being truth, what he want with Dallas? Asked. Jessie, " I don't know, they look at each other, Jordan squeezed the wound, pain hit him hard," I telling you the truth, I never met him, we talked through telegram, all he said if the Govenor falls all eyes be looking for someone to aid them, " will we got away to get him here, the question is will he take the bait? When is the next time you were supposed to telegram him? Asked . Hank, " after the Gunman kills the Govenor, that was my next plan hire a gunmen kill him getvout, but you people show figured out and mess up everything,said. The Sheriff, " no but if we get the Govenor to play like jmhe is dead and Dallas collapse, he would want to see, said.Jessie, " how much were your wage? Asked. Thomas, " $490 pieces to poison, killed and hold Dallas, since nothing zero, and I risk everything, I have nothing to gain, said. The Sheriff, " how would you like a chance to get that, you crooked, you saw away out from being a Sheriff in office, you ready for a changed, said. Jordan, " you don't have to worry about being in office, still be in the law, riding with us as a hired heart, the paid is 300, all you do swear in,get the uniform, you can leave when you want, the stop will always be your, something to think about, [ sir we got away to get this gunner here, see will the Govenor will play dead long enough to draw him here?] Asked.Jessie, " good news they got the Sheriff and his posey, they need you to play dead to draw them here, said. Marco, "

Chapter viii

They look at him, " why not , how they going to draw him here? Asked. The Grovenor of Dallas, "[ he is in, how yu going to get him here?] Asked. Marco, " [ we not the Sheriff is] let's go, time to send that wired, [Heather Nancy stay with the little ones, [ they grab him by his clothes, "[ everyone back in your dig outs this gunfight not over yet. ] Said, Jordan. They walked into the telegram office, " tell him the Grovenors are dead, and meet you here in the law office, said. Jordan, " I want grandpa and grandma? Said. Berry, " nephew mom and dad is busy,said. Heather, " not true call grandma and grandpa, said. Molly, " niece, they are occupied, sit still and read your books, said. Nancy, he send the wire out. "[ what the plan mom and Aunt Jordan?] Asked. Dayton, " I want grandpa and grandma now! Cried, Berry, " [ Cora you son just yelled at me,]-[" put him on,] said. ,Cora. "[ mom want to talk to you, ]-["grandma, she won't get grandma and grandpa. ] said, Berry,"[ we know that you love grandma and grandpa, they crazy about their grandkids, and great grandkids, so is Aunt Heather, Jessica, Martha, Silvia, Beth, Tiffany, Francesca , Chessie, and Jayden Whalma, Levette, Kendall, Rosen,Jestina, long with unce Teeno, Cameron, West, Joshua, Trent, Ted, Trevino, Warren,Warner, Renshaw, Renskin, Brett, Rico, Dayton, Daniel, Dolton, Danny, Jessup are crazy about their nephews and nieces, ] said. Cora, " [ give Aunt Heather a Hugged and tell her sorry, mom dad one of your grandsons wants you,,] said. Carter, he hugged her and tells her sorry,"[ which grandson we have a few,] said..Jessie, "[ Berry, ] said. Cullen, " [ sweetheart what is wrong?] Asked. Jessie, " [ you coming grandma and grandpa?]-[" Berry not right now my boy grandma and grandpa got some hard wise to catch] he slap her on her butt," [ aw grandma and grandpa, ]-[" your grandparents they all that, ] said. Dolton, " [ I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't wolfcm up child, stay with your Aunt,we see you soon] finally a telegram came, " he on his way here,said. The Sheriff, " good he is your boys after we take the to The bounty prison camp and send for judge 20# said. Jessie they take him inside of the law office and locked him in a separate cell, Thomas locked the door, "[ they on there away, ] said. Jessie, "[ and this could turn into an gunfight so do not be crazy, do not get killed,] said. Jordan, " [ this is not the day to bury anyone, by the book, don't do what we do do what we say.], said. Jessie, "[ no wolf Jes, you are baring our son, ]said. Hank, " [ that goes for you to Jordan you are baring Thristan, ] said. Thomas, ' [ child first dear,] said, Jessie. "[ yes, dear.] Said. Jordan, the train road into town, they put their hats on, " shall we meet our guest , they walked out as they got off the train, " something is not right. Said, the cowboy, " welcome to Houston Texas, let's made this easy, drop your guns and gunbelts put your hands us, said. Jordan, " time to joining your friends in the law office, " kill them now! They fire at them, the Dodge their bulls," hearts return fire now!! They yelled. An gunfight roar up, they slide into the alley, they spin their guns," where iscyour manners at that not how you tell us thank you for inviting you here! They slide out firing at them,"[mom where are you?] Asked. Cameron, "[ mom?]-[" stay were you son,] said, Jordan. " [ stay put,] said. Jessie, " [ they in a alley C and P,] said Brett, Dayton and Daytona roll out and slide to them, " come on, I meant for all of you to stay where you are, said. Jordan, " same here,[Brett, Trevino, Renshaw Renskin and Jessup get your tails where you at, I am fine,] said. Jessie, "[ that goes for youvto Porter, Yohan and Jesse, mother wolf is good, ] said, Jordan, " or give thanks for welcoming you, " Christopher and Hank spin their guns around, in fired, they both hit on,he fall against the trains," oh, welcome to Texas, they cheered out," Hank baby calm yourself, said. Heather, " you to Chris, said. Linda, " last call boys this the bounty of law season hearts, said, Jessie. " the ride ends here, the takeover is over, said. Jordan, " yeah who you think send that telegram? Said, Cameron, " it wasn't your Sheriff, said. Preston, " we been had! Back on the train, " cover us we can't let them leave, said Jordan, " stay down boys, they slide out taking them down one at time, " clean out the wound take in the office, Brett and Yohan ran up and grab them and throw them in the door, they picked them up and put them in the cells, " here comes more C said. Asher and Reskin, as Rosen ran up, one shot her," Rose! Said . Teeno, " I got you big brother got you, [ mom dad Rosen been shot![ " that is my sister! Heather Chessie, Cora, Tiffany, Francesca, Jayden, and Levette all fire, he hit the ground, they ran over to her, " mommy. Jessie and Hank ran up, she unbotten her shirt, " shhh, you are going to be fine baby mommy and daddy is here, she begins to take out the bullet, "[ jes how is she?] Prick your man just shot my niece! She hit him with the gun knocking him out, they out everyone in the cell, Jordan walked up to them, she got the shelling and bullet out, " she okay, lucky he can't shaight, those my gals, we need to get her back and home,"[ takeover is over dad, we be on the way to take you all home, ] said. Jordan, she clean her up And bandaged her up, Teeno and Cameron picked her up they gently put her in the wagon, and load the little one in the wagons to, " we see you at the house we going to sentence them and have a patty wagon take them to camp, said. Hank, " okay Cameron, West Joshua stayed with your father and uncle, said. Jessie, " you to Asher,Daytona and Tanner, said. Jordan, they got up on their horses and wagons Jessie took her family home, and Jordand and her went to the abandoned town, they arrived, Kendall and Tony walked up, " Aunt Jordan where's mom and dad, asked. Kendall, theyvwalked out of the stables," we got them your father and uncle is sentence them now, Jes is heading home,Rosen been shot, she going to be okay, she failed to the ground, Tony hold her," I want them to get hang,[ you hear me boys hang there ¥sses! ] -[" on it sir,] said. Thomas, after they took everyone home, Carol and Roger stayed,

Chapter ix

The train break

in for the night After they want on the tour, and are, they took him to the opera, box seats, as the curtains open and she starts to sing, their sons and grandkids who are small are fast asleep, and even Cameron and Preston are knocked out, this is the best birthday and Governor days have been amazing, * Hank* and Thomas put their arms around their wives, Jordan and Jessie crossed their legs, Ryan is snuggling on his mother's arms, Bryson is sleeping on his father, Connor is fast sleep on his mother to, Theistan is fast asleep on his fathers arns, the curtains closes and everyone walked out of the opera house, " thank you gals what a great show, said. Marco, " you welcome, Gobber town in the morning, said. Jessie, * Hank* and Thomas are in the mood, and they start to feel their wives "You boys got our sons in your arms, " Jordan " Control yourselves, said. Jessie, " we can not help it this night beings out the romance, said. Hank, they walked into the inn and check into their rooms as they lay them in the extra beds, and tuck them in, they start to lay their wives, but the beds are sticking hard. " easy Hank you act like we never laid before, said. Jessie, you mean the world to me, I would through anyone under the prison for you, she strokes his face, and they kiss each other, " Thomas not too rough, said. Jordan, "Sorry you take my breath away, Jordan I would do anything for you. I am so in love with you, said. Thomas, they kissed each other, " Mom thinking about this case is not going anywhere at all, said. Teeno, " we got nothing, said. Heather, "That is not going to sit pretty with Uncle Marco, said. Cameron, "Yeah he wants this solve and arrest to be made, said, Frankie. " how there is no trail, no witness, [mom dad you busy?] asked, Preston. "[ we are in the middle of something, why are you all still up? Asked. Thomas. "[ is Aunt Jessie and Uncle Hank up to, ] asked, Tanner, "[ guys go to sleep we got a busy day in the morning, we going to need everyone to wake and energized,] said. Jessie, "[ we going to be running into trouble on the way including that bl^stard Seven whoever he is with,] said. * Hank* She rubs his hairy chest, herubgisfingers down her arms, " i heard of him he went rogue because you turn him down, foes the f#cker heard of find a women of his own, no offensive those eyes are rare and toxic gals,] said, Joan, "[ that not our fluat it's our mothers andfather , ] said, Jordan, "[ we need you all to be rested tomorrow, go to sleep. ] said Jessie, so they went to bed, that all night it is quite, and peaceful in Lake-town, they got in position and was about to leave Lake-town, " tell me something. " I search look we didn't find any trail, if we were send for long ago something would be pick, " I made a promise, that this will stop, Hank get out front of her, find a trail Jessie, he got in the carriages, " I am a bloodhoound uncle Marco, this can be solved, I have no trail to found, said. Jessie, " We have nothing to fall on Uncle Marco, the robbery happened at night, and he didn't see or heard anything, what do you want us to do? Said. Jordan, " your job gals, the state is paying you, not for doing nothing, " you know I miss being by hire, yes sir mr. Governor, I get on it! We going to have a long talk about promise something, that came be kept, [ move out train, ] they got on their horses, " we are your kids how about treat us as family and not hired hand sir, Jordan ttakesthe rare and Jessie take the head, they ride out of Lake-town, 5.7 miles South to Gobber town, they will have to go through a sick town, meanwhile, on their trail is the Rogue 7# possy, " so which one you want, asked. Rogue 1#, " the brown hair, answered, Rogue 7# " how are we going to get her? Asked. Rogue 3#, " time in planning, time and patience, we get one of her kids, make a threat her for it, said. Rogue 7# they laughed out, Jordan picking up something, "[ Jess, ] called. Jordan, "[ I know he is out with a possy,]-[" he is after you, probability going to kidnapped to get you to surrender, Cameron, ] said.Jordan, "[ or any of mines, If one of you get kidnapped by this prick, fight back do not give in, know me and your father will find you and get you back, ] said. Jessie " [ darn right do not listen or do what they say guys you are Garretts you have our spirit within you, mom dad will find you , no. And dad will get you back that is our word, Jess no matter what happens I will always love you, you are it you always was when I first saw you, thank you for making me a dad, ] -said, Hank. "[ me for my child, you are welcome mr. Garrett, this is not good by, I love you to, more then life itself, he wants a plan C, we are about to ambush, they targeting Brett so when I say break off from me do it go to reach morty town put your masks on, Caneron, Trevino Reskin, Reneshaw, Brett, and Jessup, Hank the head, we see you in Morty town. ] said, Jessie."[ boys keep up with your mother, they target the ones that does have a wife and kids, ] said.Jordan, they are gaining on them, they break off, and Jordan and Habk lead the train hard up the valley, ". Come on boys , they want you they have to catch us, said. Jessie, they yep and ride hard up the valley kicking up dirt," get then she with then, roared rogue 7# ". Mom! They called," go in front of me move, they are me, the y want the wolf, they are going to feel her bit, boys ride, " mom! Cried. Cameron, " son you are stronger you can do this, go with your brothers, meet up with your Aunt, you five will see me again.