Chapter xiii

out on the manhunt

" it's the queens, said. Jad, " won't you sexy ¥sses come out in enjoy us for a drink, said. Ray Claim, " first stop shooting drop your guns, said. Jordan, ' then we may consider of doing that, said. Jessie, they take their guns off and handed it to their husbands, " wait for us get them in the voice, said. Jordan, " send for a judge and jury to come so we can sentence, long with a patty wagon, said. Jessie, they stop firing and throw their guns on the ground, , and sat down in the chairs, they stand up and walked out from behind the bar counter, and they sat down at their table, watch the gals work the weapon, as they looked into their eyes their minds are trapped in reason, " your mother should be so shamed of you, why are you boys breaking her heart. Said, Jordan. " I think you should telegram her let her know how bad you are,said. Jessie, they ran out to the telegram office to telegram their mother telling her everything, after they shackled them, and judge 9#rode up, they all walked into the court office, "